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Waka (full name: Toshihiro Wakaike) 

Esraj and  Tabla player

エスラジ・タブラ奏者:若池 敏弘(わかいけ としひろ)

インド古典音楽を総合的に理解するため2008年より印度旋律楽器であるEsrajをBuddhadev Das氏に、2013年にインド旋律理論RagaをDevashish Dey氏に習い始める。

メインメンバーであるOrbit Folksが第22回「金曲音楽賞の最佳跨界音樂部門で最優秀賞を受賞






Waka (全名:若池敏弘Toshihiro Wakaike) / 塔布拉鼓, 艾斯拉吉琴

演奏印度塔布拉鼓Tabla已有二十年經驗。1987年起跟隨大師Shree Keshav Rao Nayak學習benares式的演奏風格,2001年後跟隨大師Shree Dilip Mukherjee學習Farkabad式的演奏風格。為了綜合性地理解印度古典音樂,2008年開始跟Buddhadev Das大師學習印度旋律樂器Esraj, 2013年開始跟Devashish Dey大師學習印度旋律理論Raga。演出經驗豐富,曾參與多位活躍於歐美的音樂創作者之跨界作品演出,並於日本及印度舉辦過無數的個人演奏會,受邀於印度、孟加拉、日本、台灣、泰国、韓國、中國、加拿大等國際音樂藝術節演出。近年受邀來台演奏,活躍於國內樂壇,陸續在台灣大學、政治大學、臺北教育大學、交通大學、台北藝術大學、台南藝術大學….開設印度音樂講座導師。2005年在[身聲演繹劇場]年度製作【光與聲的島嶼】中,擔任特別演出。2006年在音樂大師李泰祥的演奏會《夢土上》演出,2007年在台中爵士音樂節與吳書齊共同演出,2007年綠島人權國際藝術家創作營入選。 2007年在身聲演繹劇製作《流浪之音》演出。2007年12月第四屆洄瀾國際藝術家創作營入選。


Waka has been studying North Indian music on the Tabla since 1987 from Keshav Nayak and Dilip Mukherjee. 
To give added depth to the understanding of Indian classical music, he has been additionally studying to play the melodious Esraj from master Buddhadev Das since 2008 and vocal from Devashish Dey since 2013. 
During this time he has performed numerous concerts and and taught workshops in India, Bangladesh,Okinawa, Mainland Japan, Thailand,Korea, China, Canada and Taiwan. In the classical style of North Indian Hindustani music he has accompanied Indian vocalists and a variety of musicians playing the magical, moody and enchanting Indian Raga Instruments.

He regularly combines to perform with artists of different genre and style in the modalities of Jazz, Fusion, Electro, Acoustic, Ethnic Latin, Ambient, Lounge, Contemporary, Experimental, Dancing art, Theatre, Visual art etc. Complementing the width of expression to be found in Hindustani Classical music, Waka is constantly searching for new possibilities for expression in sound by joining with other artists to tap into that evolving magic we know in his musical performance.
Waka has been actively bringing Indian classical music form to Taiwan, In 2011 he was awarded as the Finalist in the Best Performance Awards, in Taiwan. 

  • Waka Indian music Association
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